The Flitlits float to WONDER PLOT to put on shows, each with a slot. They share shows, acts and great events at a TENT that's PRETTY-BENT. Four stars that light up every show are SHIFT, GLEE, SOL-FA and AGLOW.
Trekkers roam at Wonder Plot, that has so many wondrous spots. Its rising and descending spaces are astonishing in places.
SNAIL RAIL takes and carries back Flitlit trekkers and their packs. The lowest point is Hot Plot Station, at Fussbut's sandiest location. The trains head up to Wonder Station, where they make a curved rotation.
Engines hoot and give out clues. This helps lost trekkers where to choose mud tracks leading to rail stops. When they reach the trains, they flop.
On the train home to the left, they marvel at deep, wizardly clefts. SEESAW SEA flows to the right. This, also, is a stunning sight. ...