The Flitlit Characters




The surreal Flitlit characters flit about and float freely, depicting a sense of freedom and movement. This offers them a bird’s eye view of their home plots, co-characters and the landmarks depicted on the map.

These attributes complement the humour and flow of the language.

Interaction is key to the central core and ethos of the stories involving characters that children can identify with within their own lives.

The Flitlits interact by telling jokes, squabbling, scheming and plotting, involving friendships and rivalries.

The central protagonist for the Flitlit Adventure Stories, Jester Bit, is a scamp with a heart. His mischief brings about challenges and camaraderie that allow children to learn about compassion, empathy, teamwork and a sense of fair play.


Jester Bit ︱ Prank Plot


The central character / protagonist depicted  in the Flitlit Adventure Stories.
The name, Jester Bit, is immediately suggestive of the character’s scamp-like persona and the intrinsic wordplay associated with the language.

Bit is analogous with the information technology credentials of his uncle, Doctor It of Dot Plot.

Jester is a scamp with a heart, whose schemes and tricks lie at the heart of the adventure stories.

Ensuing dilemmas and conflicts lead to unexpected resolutions that allow Jester to reflect along the way.

The camaraderie with his fellow Flitlits is evident throughout.

He competes with the doctor’s helper, DeBug Knitty-Nitty, for his uncle’s attention. This adds to the humour, especially through dialogue.

The think bank under Jester’s hat spots this and plots that, allowing brainwaves to take shape slowly.


Doctor It ︱ Dot Plot


An eccentric scientist / inventor whose name is analogous with I.T. /Dot Plot /Hard Drive.

He is Jester’s idiosyncratic uncle, who spends time dreaming up mistakes and hatching absurd ‘Tips of the Day’ at Dot Plot’s Puzzling Pit.

Additionally, he carves shoes that fail to run off clues.

He relies on his assistant: a clever insect named DeBug Knitty-Nitty, though not knowingly.

References to ‘TIp Top Tips’ and ‘Tips of the Day at the Pit’ demonstrate the playful voice and typical wordplay employed.

The pit is filled with books and shoes among the spills of special brews.

Odours fill the musty air, joined by squeaks from swinging stairs.

Engineered oddities at the pit include winking things and a strange-ship tracker.


DeBug Knitty-Nitty︱Dot Plot

Doctor It’s grumpy assistant, whose name is also analogous with I.T.

Takes charge at the pit in view of the doctor’s eccentric attributes.

Competes disparagingly with Jester for the doctor’s attention.

Puzzles buzz outside his inside and he drives his brain train to find clues to solve them.

Multi tasks mentally and by means of his multiple golden hands.

A fine code-cracker.

He knits (flit knits) and has a penchant for handbags (a bug with bags).

Grumpy, due to the sadness of being parted from his young sister, Jitter Bug.


Posy Pose / Grand Plot

Jester Bit’s antagonist.

Mayor / head facilitator’s adorned daughter.

An imperious lookout, Ziggy Zag, helps Posy to choose surreal bags, shoes and bows.

Is a dancer with a penchant for curious shoes, such as crowing shock-a-doodle shoes.

Posy’s heart is warm and true, as demonstrated by her care of the frogs at Fussbut’s Frog Bog.


Jake MacJake︱Swank Plot

Loveable and fashion-conscious.

Gentle and sensitive.

Allied to all things twofold, as demonstrated multifold in his speech, actions and choices.

His dogs are aptly named Ditto and Snap.

Has an affinity with gentle, friendly dolphins close to Dolphin Reach 


Cookie Bang-Boom︱ Bloom Plot

A boisterous, humorous character, whose home is Lucky-Duck Farm.

Too busy to look smart and enjoys being muddy.

A friend in need to the young Flitlits. Has a mood hat for every occasion.

Sings spontaneously (badly, sadly and sadly, badly), loudly and out of tune.

Has an affinity with the otters of Plot-a-Lot Stream.

She gives the otters names like Spot O’Dot, Filbert Silly Squeal and Not.


Ozzie Mo︱Blot Plot

Spongy and osmotic, as his name suggests.

Swells fantastically.

Belongs to the Soak Folk family and is sporty and a leader.

An inbuilt umbrella that swirls above his head acts as a spinning shower sheet.

Checks a Weather Feather regularly, along with the Soak Folk, to monitor the weather.

Captains the ‘Super Swells’ floating-glowball team, weather permitting.

Ozzie is a distant cousin of the Soak Folk of the island Urainonus. The distant Soak Folk visit Fussbut in an adventure story titled, ‘Super Sonic’ while on a mission to find a drier home.

The sailors arrive at Fussbut aboard the winged ship, Super Sonic. They fly through the No-Zone Space and sail the Seesaw Sea, being influenced especially by stars Sol-Fa and Shift.


Kingy Bling︱Plum Plot

Resplendent and languid.

Star Aglow shines on him.

Absent-minded while wearing a crown that grants him powers to forget.

Husband to Queeny Squash.

Princess Peachy is the Royal couple’s screechy daughter.

This cultish figure satisfies a wide interest age.


Queeny Squash︱Plum Plot

A cultish figure, along with her husband, Kingy Bling.

Her name is analogous with Plum Plot.

Bolts around disastrously in her bother boots.

Has an affinity with trees. The arboretum at Potty Palace houses animated trees such as singing and giggling trees.

Practises musical scales whilst scaling up the trees at Plum Plot, or falling .


Otto Zoom︱Pull Plot

A pliable, dynamic character.

Too competitive.

Captains the ‘Otto’s Lotto’ floating-glowball team.

The Flitlit characters are drawn to Otto’s base, Pull Plot. It stretches their imagination.

Dame LaConk︱Gale Vale

An intriguing herbalist with a Know-All Ball, a Shall-Tell Bell and a bob-about snout on a spring.

Fussbut’s caring Nature Mother.

Owns a magical Wish Dish.


Scuba Salt︱Hot Plot

A young seafarer.

Is hearing impaired.

In tune with the vibrations of Shock Rocks, the workings of Snail Rail and the secrets of the Seesaw Sea.


Coo Cassoo︱Pine Plot

Plays an all-pine horn.

Employs ‘Too-Whit-Too-Coo’ speech to communicate with the birds.

Is sight impaired.

The Flitlits picnic at Pine Plot’s ‘Cabbage-Curry, Beans and Barley, Windy-Belly Woods’.

Ⓒ Eiry Rees Thomas 2023/ All Rights Reserved