Ponder Plot, Mistake Break and Share-a-Secret Lake

On a sunny, special day,
 the Flitlits tripped to Hot Plot Bay.
A group arrived at Hot Plot Station
 that did not look like known relations.
They might have passed for curious genies
 with no sun cream or bikinis.
 But they were meddling Geniuses
 from the island Buttinbiz.
They arrived at Seldom See
 hoping that the Flitlits would agree
 to let them show their cleverness,
 much like champions, good at chess.
 said a Genius. “We'll arrange
 to stop mistaking altogether
 and plant the spot with happy heather.”
“Mistake Break helps us to think,”
 said the Flitlits. "It is a link
 that gives the folk of Fussbut choices,
 when we ponder without voices.
 At Ponder Plot we realise
 that some mistakes may be unwise.
 Mistakes can be poor, or good at times.
 Some are sad and others kind.”
From Ponder Plot, some Flitlits take
 a stroll past SHARE-a-SECRET LAKE.
Others move towards the shore,
 where gentle dolphins swim and soar.

Dolphins sleep with an eye open
 and pass on kindnesses unspoken.
 They hear sounds so loud and clear
 and hold off sharks when they are near.
They shut off half a brain to rest
 so that they often jump and jest. 
Caring dolphins have such grace
 and share great joy on every face. ...