Ozzie Mo, Blot Plot, The Weather Feather and The Winged Ship, Super Sonic


OZZIE's home sits at BLOT PLOT, that soaks up moisture more than not.
His kin, the Soak Folk, swell up quickly unless they shelter very swiftly.  They spread to look like large balloons, but dimpled like Soak Folk cocoons.  
A Blot Plot FEATHER on display flows and sways 
 at chalky Blot Plot every day.
 It warns the Soak Folk of wet weather
 on a plinth among wild heather.
Young Folk Soak member Ozzie Mo
 checks the feather as it flows.
Ozzie plays as captain of a team
 named the Super Swells. They dream
 of being floating-glowball champions.
 It is a very high ambition.
When Ozzie's folk found Seldom See,
 they moored at Fussbut's Hot Plot Quay. 
Distant Soak Folk relatives remain on an island drenched with rain.  The island, named Urainonus, is very far from glamorous.
There, dwellers shelter on the island
 without sunny high or low lands.
 The island's Soak Folk chant a tune
 as star Sol-Fa ding-dongs at noon. 
They twist and turn built-in umbrellas. These whirl around like wind propellers.  
When Soak Folk sail through Gloom Lagoon,
 they pass star Sol-Fa's swinging moon.
 The moon lights up a glowing key
 that guides their ship through SEESAW SEA.
 The Soak Folk's ship, named SUPER SONIC,
 suits a crew that's so harmonic. ...