Muddle Maze and Air Stairs


Fussbut's baffling MUDDLE MAZE
 sits beneath pink, tinkling haze.
It has a keeper, Hoody Wink.
 The folk of Fussbut tend to think
 that he sneaks around and slinks
 as he plots out secret links.
Hoody Wink has not been seen
 by the Royal king and queen,
 or by anyone at all.
 But they hear his wails and squalls.
Hoody Wink lays out a carpet,
 shaded red, and a fine banquet
 to receive a Royal party
 when they need food and feel quite thirsty.

 A Royal party roamed the maze together.
They had a mission that was clever.
 It was to find the maze's exit
 with no guide or sneaking-out kit.
Queeny Squash felt lost and grazed
 at the fiddle-diddle maze.
 A fake path stopped her in her tracks
 with no means of turning back. 
An arrow pointed to the right.
 Hoody Wink kept out of sight.
Queeny Squash slipped on flat ground,
then slid downhill where she found
 Kingy wearing rollerskates.
 He rolled towards a narrow gate.
The gate was well and truly battered.
 Kingy's robes looked torn and tattered.
 He found that ruling coolly up a ladder
helped him feel a little gladder.
Fussbut's AIR STAIRS climb so high
 but one strict rule needs to apply:
 up side down or down side up,
 the steep Air Stairs must still match up. ...