Kingy Bling, Queeny Squash, Plum Plot and Potty Palace



The hidden land of Seldom See has a queen and king.
 Royal Flitlit Queeny Squash rules the land along with Kingy Bling.
 They have a lively daughter titled Princess Peachy.
 The princess clatters tuneless drums and mimics all things screechy.
POTTY PALACE is their home.
 It sits inside the Royal zone.
 The Royal zone, based at PLUM PLOT,
 houses such a topsy-turvy lot.
A gem that fits a coronet
 grants Kingy powers to forget.
 Cozy-cozy KINGY BLING
 owns brightly polished jewels and a zillion rings.
Kingy gathers many secrets
 that he shares with parrot Horace.
 Fussbut's Flitlits love the parrot
 with his ring of ninety carats.

The butt-in parrot can't help squawking
 while the palace staff are talking.
 He leaks each secret without care.
 The Royal secrets are all shared.
When he's done with eating, giggling,
 washing up and higgledy-piggling,
 Kingy runs around the palace
 to seek advice from parrot Horace.
Awkward QUEENY jolts and reels
 from purple hair to wobbly heels.
 She pounds the ground without a break
 until the palace rocks and shakes.
Queeny Squash wears bother boots.
 When she bolts, others scoot.
To splash through puddles, bosh, tosh, slosh,
 she wears a Royal Squash galosh.
 A single overshoe makes do.
 That's one too many for Kung Fu. ...