Jester Bit, Prank Plot and Jester’s Fun House


JESTER BIT can not stop plotting. He spots hot tips while he is trotting.  Just as Jester's life began, he might have been a Master Plan.
He wears a jest vest and a hat
 to pick tricks on a wonder mat.
 The think-tank under Jester's hat
 wonders this and ponders that.
When his brainwaves start to flow, he wonders where all lost things go.  
The Fussbut scamp plays many tricks,
 mostly with his twiddle stick.
 When his tricks are out of order,
 he puzzles in a ponder corner.
Jester and all Flitlits float.
 They glide along like drifting boats.
The Flitlits float above the trees
and the plots named Fussbut at Seldom See.
Jester's home stands at PRANK PLOT.
 His FUN HOUSE settled at the spot.
 Prank Plot sits beneath Dot Plot,
 that has no corners and should not.
Jester's father, Chipper Bit,
 looks nothing like his brother, It.
Doctor It, Jester's uncle,
 brings to mind words 'fun' and 'fumble'.
Jester's mother is named Tiny,
 which is strange. She's tall and springy.
 Blue-Tooth, Jester's elder brother,
 acts and dresses like an usher. ...