The Flitlit Reading Scheme/ Guide for Educators

      Providers of Education may wish to consult this guide to examine means by which the FLITLIT concept may be adapted to the specific context of their programmes. The concept was made possible through the support of the Creative Industries Sector of...

The Flitlit Characters

      The surreal Flitlit characters flit about and float freely, depicting a sense of freedom and movement. This offers them a bird’s eye view of their home plots, co-characters and the landmarks depicted on the map. These attributes complement...

The Plots and Landmarks of Fussbut and Curricula

  Stars Sol-Fa, Shift, Aglow and Glee︱ The Shadows of Pitch Influences and Effects / Astronomy / Atmospheric Science Prank Plot︱Jester’s Fun House Interaction / Fun / Play Wonder Plot︱Snail Rail︱Pretty-Bent Tent Wonderment / Geography / Leisure and...


The Fussbut Fling The Fussbut Fling is a composition that sets the mood for the stories. It invites Flitlit fans to sing, act and dance. The Flitlits invite you to join in. Please enjoy the experience and share videos of your interpretations, that will be warmly...