by Eiry Rees Thomas | Mar 19, 2018 | Intros
A young girl grew up like no other as Fussbut’s curious nature mother. Her course clothes that are nicely clean, drape over skin tinged mossy green. A wondrous acorn fills the space found between her waist and face. DAME LaCONK, her Flitlit name,...
by Eiry Rees Thomas | Mar 18, 2018 | Intros
Fussbut has a woody slot that the Flitlits named PINE PLOT. Here, COO CASSOO lives with her mother among feathered friends that flutter.Many trill while others drill with their sharpened beaks and bills. Star Sol-Fa beams upon the knots that shape the...
by Eiry Rees Thomas | Mar 17, 2018 | Intros
OZZIE’s home sits at BLOT PLOT, that soaks up moisture more than not. His kin, the Soak Folk, swell up quickly unless they shelter very swiftly. They spread to look like large balloons, but dimpled like Soak Folk cocoons. A Blot Plot FEATHER...
by Eiry Rees Thomas | Mar 16, 2018 | Intros
Crowds feel drawn towards PULL PLOT that is a long, dynamic spot. It is the home of family ZOOM who widen, shorten, pinch and loom. Otto’s family are supple and change their shape with little trouble. All their clothes are made to order. They spring from...
by Eiry Rees Thomas | Mar 15, 2018 | Intros
COOKIE BANG-BOOM is zippy and bright, but can be wrong when she should be right. Imagine a bit between her teeth. The bit would be gold, but bold underneath. In other words, she is kind and caring, but is also brave and daring. She is chatty, loud and likes to...
by Eiry Rees Thomas | Mar 14, 2018 | Intros
The far-off land of Seldom See lies beyond the Seesaw Sea. At the land that time forgot, the Flitlits laid the land in plots. Four stars that power Seldom See are SOL-FA, SHIFT, AGLOW AND GLEE. Imagine a link that sets you free to roam beyond the Seesaw...